Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hard to stay motivated...

When your husband is always buying junk food & wanting to go out to eat somewhere! Not to mention all the candy/chocolate he got me for Easter this year. Still...I think I've been doing pretty good. I have been eating a salad for lunch everyday & I finally talked my husband into eating healthier with maybe it'll be a bit easier. Tonight though...I'll be going to Red Robin with some of the Nimitz wives & I'm sure I'll order something I shouldn't be eating or drinking lol I will just be working out double tomorrow :)

Wish me Luck

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 1 Zumba Fitness

I hate working out in the gym with a passion! It wasn't always that way...back in high school I loved doing PT with Jr ROTC. I was in a lot better shape then, than I am now. I can't do 5 sit ups or push ups with out getting outta breath & I use to do between 30-40 at a time.
The reality of us moving to Italy has made me want to whip myself back into shape! We'll be visiting all kinds of different places & their will be a lot of walking & climbing stairs involved that if I was to try to do that right now it'd probably kill me.
Also the FACT that my family heart/health history along with other issues has made me realize I need to take better care of myself if I want to live a long healthy life. I need to stop eating chips & dip. Start eating baked food instead of fried & cut back on sodas & sweets. I need to drink more water & eat more fruits & vegetables. && Most importantly I need to quit smoking...I've tried quitting, but with my husband being a smoker...that just isn't going to happen right now. Maybe he'll decide to quit with me one day soon & then we will start that Journey, but for now...I'm focusing on my fitness goals & really trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Wish me luck b/c I know it's not gonna be easy...if it was...I would have done this years ago!
-Kim R.